Maya scene created in Maya 2018.3 (Maya 2020.4 for V1.5) contains simple lit Maya scene with an HDR sky dome, UV'd model, skeleton WITH RIGGING AND CONTROLS.
Controls for: Bucket movement, arm movement, vehicle motion, cab doors
Textures in 4k and 2k extra zip. Cables have skinning. Tracks rotate automatically when translating and rotating. Tracks can be unlocked from auto spin via options in main control channel box. This allows free, independent spinning for separate keying. Un-rigged FBX version with skeleton also included.
The tracks move via motion path, however, there are joints constrained to these for baking purposes. If the joints are baked, the animations can be exported to have track movement in other programs or game engines.
Excavator.FBX contains UV'd model, skeleton with NO RIGGING. Cables should retain skinning. Textures in 2k and 4k
3 color texture pack sold separately
FBX with animations included
242552 tris
13 materials, 5 textures each
PBR textures: BaseColor, Normal, Height, Roughness, Metal
tiff format with alphas where needed on the counterweight and glass
Unreal textures - 3 per material: BaseColor, Normal, Packed (Occlusion, Roughness, Metallic)
png format, 2k and 4k
Add an fbx that contains all the animations present in the 3d example